The Essential Breath

Our blog is dedicated to helping you improve your mental wellbeing, relationships, and emotional health.
We offer a variety of resources and articles on a wide range of topics related to relationships and mental health.
Our goal is to provide you with the information, insights and tools you need to live a happier, healthier life.

Hitting the Pause Button: Rules for Time-Outs During a Marital Conflict.
relationship advice O2 Counseling relationship advice O2 Counseling

Hitting the Pause Button: Rules for Time-Outs During a Marital Conflict.

When a heated argument escalates and words blur into angry jabs, it is important for couples to take the time out. This isn't about slamming doors and storming off. This is a conscious pause, a deliberate step back to navigate the choppy waters of conflict with clearer minds and open hearts. But like any tool, time outs need clear rules to function at their best.

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Understanding the Honeymoon Phase of Your Romantic Relationship.
relationship education, neuroscience O2 Counseling relationship education, neuroscience O2 Counseling

Understanding the Honeymoon Phase of Your Romantic Relationship.

The honeymoon phase marks the initial months (or sometimes years) of a relationship, characterized by healthy infatuation, intense emotions and an idealized perception of your partner. It's like the fertile ground in which a relationship takes root, nurturing the first tendrils of connection and shared experiences. It’s about building the brick-and-mortar of trust, intimacy, and a sense of belonging.

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The Digital Age of Trust and Betrayal in Relationships.
technology O2 Counseling technology O2 Counseling

The Digital Age of Trust and Betrayal in Relationships.

In today's digitally interconnected world, technology doesn't just guide our interactions—it often dictates the terms, setting the stage for both trust and betrayal. In conversations with couples from a myriad of backgrounds, a recurring theme becomes evident: technology serves as both a bridge and a barrier, with the potential to either fortify or fracture trust within relationships.

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