Step into your power.

What is Self-Esteem?

Just as a strong foundation is necessary to support the structure of a house, a strong sense of self-worth is necessary to support our emotional well-being and our ability to navigate the challenges of life.

Self-esteem refers to an individual's overall evaluation or perception of their worth or value as a person. It is the degree to which an individual sees themselves as competent, capable, worthy, and deserving of respect, love and happiness.

Self-esteem is not the same as narcissism or arrogance, as individuals with high self-esteem can still have a healthy level of humility and empathy. Self-esteem is not fixed and can fluctuate over time, depending on life experiences and other factors.

“If you want to improve your self-worth, stop giving other people the calculator.”

—Tim Fargo

What are common signs of Low Self-Esteem?

it is important to recognize the signs of low self-esteem so that we can take steps to improve our sense of self-worth and lead a happier, more fulfilling life. Here are some questions to help you recognize if you struggle with low self-esteem:

  1. Do you go out of the way to please others a the expense of your own needs? Are you a people-pleaser?

  2. Do you criticize yourself harshly or engage in negative self-talk?

  3. Do you lack confidence in your abilities?

  4. Do set unrealistic expectations for yourself and then feel like you can never measure up?

  5. Are you very hesitant to try new things?

  6. Do feelings of inadequacy prevent you from making friends and avoiding social situations?

  7. Do you neglect taking care of yourself?

  8. Do you frequently focus on your flaws and shortcomings?

Improving self-esteem can be a challenging process, but it is definitely achievable. It's important to keep in mind that improving self-esteem is not a quick fix or a one-time solution, but rather a process that requires ongoing effort and commitment.

The terms self-confidence and self-esteem are often conflated. Confidence is a measure of faith in one’s own abilities in a particular area; Esteem is about our sense of self.

You deserve to feel confident and worthy.
Let us help you rediscover your self-esteem.