Foster a healthier sex life.

Ignite Your Breath of Desire.

At O2 Counseling, we understand that sex is more than just a physical act—it's an essential component of personal well-being and relationship health. Our approach to sex therapy is designed to address the unique needs of individuals and couples, offering innovative solutions to improve sexual communication, overcome barriers to intimacy, and enhance sexual enjoyment.

Let us guide you towards a more satisfying sexual journey, filled with understanding, pleasure, and connection.
Request a session.

What is Sex Therapy?

During sex therapy, a therapist will work with clients to identify the underlying causes of their sexual concerns or difficulties, and develop strategies for addressing them. The specific techniques and approaches used in sex therapy will vary depending on the client's needs and goals, but may include education, play, behavioral activation, exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness and relaxation techniques, and/or communication exercises. Homework is also often required for progress.

Common issues addressed in Sex Therapy.

Desire Discrepancy: Help is provided to align partners' differing levels of sexual desire, reducing conflicts and promoting mutual satisfaction to find a balance that works for both.

Diverging Sexual Interests: When partners have mismatched sexual interests, therapy helps find common ground, mutual understanding, and ways to explore pleasure together.

Sexual Dysfunction: Sex therapy assesses the roots of dysfunction and helps to overcome issues like low desire, erectile difficulties, premature ejaculation, or painful sex through techniques tailored to your specific challenges.

Communication Difficulties about Sex: A safe, therapeutic space is provided to openly express sexual needs, desires, fears, and fantasies, fostering trust and vulnerability to enhance intimacy.

Sexual Shame: Therapy can help you explore the roots of shame, be it internalized messages or past experiences. By healing from the past and letting go of self-judgment, you can discover the joy of sexual self-exploration and sexual connection filled with confidence and desire.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Exploration: Therapy guides you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you understand your feelings and desires related to sexual orientation and gender identity, empowering you to find acceptance and express yourself with confidence and clarity.

Aging and Sexuality: Whether you're facing menopause, health concerns, or simply want to explore new ways to connect, sex therapy help you navigate the natural changes that come with aging to maintain a fulfilling sex life.

Alternative Relationship Structures: Explore alternative structures and understand one another’s needs to create your personalized sexual relationship with your partner that includes clear expectations and agreed on boundaries.

Body Image Concerns: Feeling good about yourself is key to a fulfilling sex life and therapy can help you develop a more positive relationship with your body, leading to greater confidence and enjoyment in the bedroom.

Sexual Trauma and Abuse: Reclaim your power and rebuild intimacy by processing past experiences and addressing shame, low self-esteem, and anxieties for safe sexual connection and pleasure.

“Sexual desire is not something that you have, it's something that you create.”

— Ester Perel

FAQs about Sex Therapy

  • According to the American Sexual Health Association, it's estimated that up to 43% of women and 31% of men experience some form of sexual dysfunction during their lifetime.

    However, due to the sensitive nature of these issues, many individuals may feel uncomfortable discussing their concerns with their partners or healthcare providers, leading to underreporting of sexual problems.

  • Yes. Most insurance plans cover Sex Therapy under couple counseling.
    Click here to learn more about insurance and fees.

  • There is no specific number that applies to everyone. The frequency of sexual activity that is considered "normal" or "healthy" in a relationship can vary widely depending on individual preferences, cultural backgrounds, and other factors.

    What is important is that both partners in a relationship feel satisfied with the frequency of sexual activity and that it is consensual, safe, and respectful.

  • If you experience persistent pain during sex, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, or sudden changes in sexual desire, consulting a doctor might be beneficial to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

    Your therapist can collaborate with you to determine if involving a doctor or PT could be the right next step for your sexual wellness journey.

  • Sex therapy isn't just for couples! If you're single, therapy can be a space to explore your sexuality, build body confidence, and develop communication skills for future relationships. It can also help you heal from past experiences and set healthy boundaries, all leading to a more fulfilling sexual life down the line.

Stop letting sexual problems impact your relationship.
Seek help with Sex Therapy.