Create the Right Relationship for You.

At O2 Counseling, we appreciate the wide range of relationship possibilities available today, with diverse labels and structures that offer nuanced variations. At the core of this, we believe love, intimacy, and connection can take many forms.

Our approach is rooted in a non-judgmental and respectful stance towards how you choose to structure your relationships. We emphasize the importance of fostering trust, understanding, and consent among all parties involved to cultivate deep connections.

No matter how you choose to define your relationship, let us help you reach relationship satisfaction.

Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.”

Paulo Coelho

The Spectrum of Modern Relationships.

Relationship possibilities today are vast, with ever-evolving labels and structures. Therapy for alternative relationship structures is highly individualized, and our therapists can address specific concerns and goals based on the unique circumstances of each relationship. At O2 Counseling, we have experience working with various relationship types, including:

  • Monogamish

  • Relationship anarchy

  • Living Apart Together (LAT)

  • Domestic Partnership

  • Long-Distance

  • Civil Union

  • Polyamory (including hierarchical, non-hierarchical, solo, quad, and more)

  • Polyfidelity

  • Polygamous

  • Swinging

  • Open relationships

  • Ethical non-monogamy

  • Relationship-oriented non-monogamy

At O2 Counseling in Chicago, we embrace the diversity of relationships and provide support and guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Unique Challenges for Alternative Relationship Structures.

In addition to relationship struggles that every relationship faces, alternative relationships navigate some unique challenges.
Here are several topics that our counseling services can address:

Establishing Boundaries: In non-traditional relationships, establishing clear and effective boundaries can be complex. Therapy can help you navigate boundary-setting, negotiate agreements, and ensure all involved feels respected and heard.

Relationship Exploration and Negotiation: Therapy provides a supportive space for you to explore and understand your desires and needs within unique relationship structures. We can assist in negotiating agreements and establishing frameworks that work for all involved parties.

Managing Jealousy and Insecurity: Unique relationship structures can bring about complex emotions such as jealousy or insecurity. O2 Counseling can help explore and manage these emotions, develop strategies for coping, and enhance emotional well-being.

Navigating Power Dynamics: In relationships with hierarchies or multiple partners, power dynamics can come into play. Our therapists can help navigate and address power imbalances, foster equity, and ensure consent and respect are upheld within the relationship.

Balancing Autonomy and Connection: Unique relationships often require individuals to balance their need for autonomy and personal growth with the desire for emotional connection and commitment. O2 Counseling can help find ways to navigate this balance and foster healthy interdependence within your relationship style.

Managing Transition and Change: Relationships evolve over time, and therapy can support individuals and partners in managing transitions, whether it's opening up a previously monogamous relationship, transitioning from a hierarchical structure to non-hierarchical, or adjusting to new dynamics within the relationship.

Navigating Social Stigma: Unique relationships may face judgment or misunderstanding from friends, family, or society at large. Therapy can help develop resilience and coping strategies to effectively deal with external judgments and negative attitudes as well as build inner strength to withstand societal pressures.

Dealing with Internalized Beliefs: Individuals in non-traditional relationships may internalize societal norms and beliefs that can create internal conflicts and self-doubt. Our therapists can provide a space to challenge and explore these beliefs, promoting self-acceptance and self-empowerment.

Discover or clarify the relationship structure that’s right for you.